Homeland, “The Vest”: win with Brody

Homeland - The Vest

Carrie’s medical problems are revealed as Nick begins his campaign.

In case anyone was wondering what Carrie (Claire Danes) is like without her meds, wonder no longer. The best part was the look on Saul’s (Mandy Patinkin) face that said, I had no idea she was nuts. Watching the way her mind works while in a manic state was a little like watching Sherlock Holmes make connections that help him solve mysteries.

I suppose this episode made it pretty clear what kind of a man the Vice President is. Jamey Sheridan is known for playing gentler characters but the VP in Homeland is clearly a single-minded self-serving punk. My years of TV viewing has taught me that characters like this often meet an untimely death.

I loved the Brody family’s visit to Gettysburg. Nick (Damian Lewis) ruminating on the battle while thinking about whatever mission he has planned was fascinating. Not to mention Dana (Morgan Saylor) getting everything on video. Eventually, the life of the Brody family will be all over the news and she’ll have more cameras then she can handle.

As loathe as I am to make assumptions about Homeland, it seems pretty clear that Nick is planning to blow someone up with a suicide bomb and that someone is very likely the Vice President. What isn’t clear is exactly why. Is Nick a full-on soldier declaring war on America or does he simply want revenge for his student? Hopefully Dana is smarter than she acts and won’t forget about the package she saw.

It’s funny to me that even though Saul can clearly see that Carrie is damaged, they have a special working relationship that works. Just by taking a look at Carrie’s pile of papers, Saul was able to see a pattern. I only wish I was able to figure out this show as easily.

Some stats and info about Homeland, “The Vest”

TV SHOW – Homeland   
SEASON/EPISODE – Season 1, Episode 11
AIRED ON – December 11th, 2011  
GENRE – Drama, Spy Shows, Thrillers   
CREATED BY – Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon   
CAST – Claire Daines, Mandy Patinkin, Rupert Friend, Maury Sterling, F. Murray Abraham, Damian Lewis, Morena Baccarin

This review originally appeared on TV Geek Army.