It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, “The High School Reunion”: the Gang got back

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - The High School Reunion

Sir Mix-a-Lot was not talking about women whose backs have recovered from a horrific spinal disorder…” – Dennis

After seven seasons of twisted, backwards schemes and misadventures – six of those with Frank (Danny DeVito) – the Gang hasn’t learned a single lesson of significance, despite the moral, legal, and potentially fatal dilemmas they find themselves in. And as we discover at their high school reunion, it’s been that way since they were teenagers.

Dennis Reynolds
The man who makes “delusions of grandeur” sound insufficiently understated, Dennis has always fancied himself the Gang’s surrogate god. His overzealous pursuit of physical perfection is beyond masochistic, feeding his extreme need to be the center of attention no matter what the cost. It soon becomes clear that high school doesn’t remember Dennis as fondly as Dennis remembers high school. Dennis’ ex-wife, Maureen Ponderosa (Catherine Reitman), and the Waitress (Mary Elizabeth Ellis) are also forgotten, though far from gone, as they both show up and ruin Dennis’ already unsuccessful attempt to attract his “loyal subjects.”

Deandra “Sweet Dee” Reynolds
As Dennis’ twin sister, Deandra shares a lot of her brother’s latent narcissism, although she’s riddled with insecurities. As a teen, Dee was tormented for being confined to a back brace, earning her the nickname “Aluminum Monster.” Now that “baby got back,” Dee wants revenge on her tormenters, but quickly sides with them in antagonizing Mac and Charlie when she’s invited over to the “cool table.” Like her brother, however, the spotlight tends to blind Dee, resulting in her constant inevitable failures.

Charlie “Dirt Grub” Kelley
Even though Charlie was once dubbed the Gang’s “wildcard,” I think it’s safe to say that everyone in the Gang has done their fair share of taking on that role and its… responsibilities. And even though Frank has fully embraced his roommate’s life of ubiquitous squalor, Charlie is the original “Dirt Grub,” which is why he is so hesitant to see anyone at the reunion other than the Waitress. Aside from avoiding the guy who he gave a boxed hornet’s nest to, Charlie is afraid he’ll be forced to huff weird things, which he ends up doing – and tends to do anyway – when he gets overwhelmed by his surroundings.

Ronnie the Rat
For seven seasons, “Mac” has been the guy who believed himself to be an extraordinary athlete with catlike reflexes and a mastery of karate, most recently accumulating mass in an attempt to live up to the beefcake standards he set for himself. At the reunion, Mac’s real legacy comes to light in the greatest name-reveal gag since the Janitor on Scrubs. Mac’s real name is Ronald McDonald, and despite all the obvious, hilarious implications, his personal claim-to-fame is being the school snitch, and infecting Charlie – as well as the boy’s wrestling team – with ringworm. “Ronnie the Rat” hears that the cool table printed out fake drink tickets and calls them out on it, quickly earning himself, Charlie, and Frank atomic wedgies in the bathroom.

Nikki Potnick
Frank has to sneak his way past security and steal the nametag of a no-show in order to get in. Even though Nikki Potnick isn’t the Waitress’ real identity, this subtle call-back sets the stage for the return of Dennis’ dead-toothed ex-wife, and Matthew “Rickety Cricket” Mara (David Hornsby). Cricket, masquerading as a priest, tries to steal from literally everyone at the reunion, but his thievery is exposed – as is his ringworm infection – before he can escape. He brings Dee down with him, however, blaming her for saying that she was in love with him and subsequently ruining his life. The night isn’t over, however, and the Gang always has a plan or two to make things worse, either in general, or for themselves.

Some stats and info about It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, “The High School Reunion”

TV SHOW – It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
SEASON/EPISODE – Season 7, Episode 12
AIRED ON – December 8th, 2011
GENRE – Comedy, Office Culture
CREATED BY – Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton 
CAST – Charlie Day, Rob McElhenney, Glenn Howerton, Kaitlin Olson, Danny DeVito

This review originally appeared on TV Geek Army.